Sunday, October 24, 2010

 a few scarves in the works.  I like the pink one, I think it will look good with the darker slate blue mixed in.
 The first four folded in half and picture is of one half
 the folded four's other half
 these are scarf #5 on the wall but the sections need to be sewn together

scarves, scarves and more scarves

I was busy sewing all weekend...making scarves for a craft fair that my friend Jen and I are doing.  It took me awhile to rip apart 5 more kimonos and get the foundations all ready.  After that I took off sewing!  The first scarf took awhile but then I got into it and the next four went a lot quicker.  My goal is make at least 20 scarves, more would be better.  Then I'm going to make a few simple pot holders.  Or maybe just a few simpler scarves.  I haven't decided yet.